The 2024 Fall Conference Begins In:

Occupational Therapists on Foster Care Transition Teams

Learner Outcomes:

  1. At the end of this presentation attendees will be able to state how OT services can benefit YTC. 
  2. At the end of this presentation attendees will identify the gap of services that currently exists when transitioning out of foster care. 
  3. At the end of this presentation attendees will know what the pilot data shows as areas of occupational performance deficits. 


This presentation introduces the Occupational Therapists on Transition teams project funded by Vitalyst Health Foundation. The study seeks to provide evidence for occupational therapists' role in transition teams for youth aging out of the foster care system (YTC). YTC who reach the age of majority in the foster care system, face a myriad of challenges, disparities, and inequity throughout their lives, exacerbated by a history of trauma and instability. Outcomes of youth participating in transition programs are poor despite billions of dollars allocated for programming. Gaps, that can be filled by occupational therapy practitioners, in current transition services will be presented. Ultimately, the goal of this work is to reduce structural barriers to the first model of Medicaid reimbursement and implementation of occupational therapy for these adults. This system change has the potential to impact the lives of over 5,000 young adults, aged 18-26, currently receiving foster care transitional medical insurance through AHCCCS. This collaborative study includes the AZ Council of Human Service Providers, the Department of Child Services, and others. The research team will present an overview of the 3 year project including evaluation data from the first 10 participants. Discussion regarding interventions will be facilitated.


Dr. Armstrong is an Associate Clinical Professor & Department Chair for NAU’s occupational therapy program. She has been in academia for 10 years and the profession for 27 years. She is the primary investigator on the Vitalyst grant and has been conducting research with this population for 8 years 
Dr. Farber is an adjunct faculty member for NAU OT and a practicing clinician. She is co-PI on the grant and has been conducting research  for 7 years. 
Madelynn is a third-year Doctor of Occupational Therapy Student at Northern Arizona University. She has been involved in this research project as a research assistant since June 2023. 
Callie is a third-year Doctor of Occupational Therapy student at Northern Arizona University. She has worked on this project under Dr. Armstrong since June 2023.
Anastasia Cuenco is a third-year Doctor of Occupational Therapy student at Northern Arizona University. She has worked on this project in her practice scholar apprenticeship under Dr. Armstrong since June 2023.

References to support evidence-based practice

Armstrong-Heimsoth, A., Hahn-Floyd, M., Williamson, H. J., Kurka, J. M., Yoo, W., & Rodríguez De Jesús, S. A. (2021). Former Foster System Youth: Perspectives on Transitional Supports and Programs. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 48(2), 287–305.
Armstrong-Heimsoth, A., Hahn-Floyd, M., Williamson, H. J., & Lockmiller, C. (2020). Toward a Defined Role for Occupational Therapy in Foster Care Transition Programming. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 8(4), 1-8.
Armstrong-Heimsoth, A., Williamson, H. J., Thornton, A., & Maloney, S. (2023). Exploring Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Support Life Skills Education for Young Adults in Extended Foster Care. Child Welfare, 101(5), 117-140
Hobbs K & Synder J. (2023). AHCCCS Population Highlights January 2023. Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. Published 2023. Accessed January 20, 2023.



Event Information

Start Time 10-19-2024 9:15 am
End Time 10-19-2024 10:15 am


  • Amy Armstrong-Heimsoth

    OTD, OTR/L

  • Emily Farber

    OTD, OTR/L

  • Callie Boddy


  • Anastasia Cuenco


  • Madelynn Weathers
