The 2024 Fall Conference Begins In:

Occupational Therapy’s Role with Expanding Community Based Resources for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Learner Outcomes:

  1. Examine current resources available for ASD population in a variety of community-based settings
  2. Justify OT’s role and scope of practice within travel and leisure on a macro to micro scale
  3. Identify future implications and strategies to increase OT’s representation within advocacy and leadership roles in ASD organizations and resourcing




Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is considered a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication which may impact their ability to participate in community-based leisure and travel (Autism Speaks, n.d.). In order to maximize occupational engagement, leading to a higher quality of life and wellbeing, having proper supports available is essential (Bryze, 2020). American Occupational Therapy Association states occupational therapy (OT) practitioners have the capability to work collaboratively with people with ASD, their families, other professionals, organizations, and community members in multiple contexts to advocate for and provide a range of needed resources and services that support individuals' ability to participate fully in their life (AOTA, 2022). Arizona offers the first Autism Certified City in the world, Mesa, however OT was not a key player in obtaining this designation. As resourcing and certification expands across the country, it’s important to explore OTs advocacy, leadership, and involvement at a macro, mezzo, and micro level. This presentation will explore specific examples of how OT’s can participate and provide expertise in resourcing and advocacy for ASD’s occupational engagement in community-based leisure and travel.



Carrie Bose, OTD, OTR/L, BCP is an Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy and the OT Pathway Coordinator in the Creighton University Phoenix Health Science campus.  She teaches the pediatric, physical rehabilitation and mental health coursework and provides mentorship to Capstone students. 
Nicole Kissmann is a recent graduate in Occupational Therapy at Creighton University and was part of the first graduating class of the Creighton Phoenix pathway. Her doctoral capstone was focused on the role and advocacy of OT with community-based resources for autism spectrum disorder in leisure/travel.


References to support evidence-based practice

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Autism Speaks. (n.d.).
Autism spectrum disorders across the life course and Occupational Therapy Services. (2022). The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76(Supplement_3).
Bryze, K. (2020). Occupational therapy for adults with intellectual disabilities. SLACK Incorporated.




Event Information

Start Time 10-18-2024 4:00 pm
End Time 10-18-2024 5:00 pm


  • Nicole Kissmann

    OTD, OTR/L

  • Carrie Bose